Denying your shadow or spiting your ego can be detrimental, but smashing screens can be radical. Curated by Priscilla Bourne with a number of exciting artists, Smashed Screens will shatter your ideas of shapes, reflections, creative sound and raucous, innovative colours. Join artists; CIARAN BEGLEY, JESSICA BRADFORD, CHRISTIAN DAVIS, ADRIAN DE GIORGIO, GEORGIA EMSLIE, JODY GRAHAM, KASANE LOW, AL POULET, COLIN RHODES, LAURENCE WILLIAMS, and ROHAN WILSON for a vision outside the box.
A very large proportion of people walk around with broken viewing equipment. In the words of a personal hero, David Lynch, when viewing through this flawed frame; “you think you have experienced art but you haven't”. People so content with less can't be expected to see more, but in smashed screens beyond repair artist Laurence Williams saw the origins of his sound work with the vibrating motors of retired phones. Ciaran Begley looks at optics and designs his own kinetic or otherwise placed artworks for active vision. Jessica Bradford once told me about window walls while painting images of camera-captured moments. The blurring of paint marks the impinging of memory and reality. Adrian De Giorgio’s artworks relay some of the colour of oil-slick rainbows and vintage video games.
These artists and others will be illuminating Delmar Gallery with fractured and refracted visions, a dazzling view of skewed and smashed meeting your eye. Please join us.
Live performance by Laurence Williams.