What does sustainable sonic art, media and culture sound like?
"This workshop will address a question with with which I have struggled. How is it possible to develop sonic art, media and culture that is personally, financially, politically and, most of all, environmentally sustainable? I will kick things off with an explanation and demonstration of some of my work using open source software, ultra cheap raspberry pi computers and other electronics to produce spatial and durational installations and encourage others to bring work to show and discuss. Participants will be provided with some suggested reading and listening in the lead up to the evening." Ben Byrne - in residence at Frontyard from June 26 - July 2.
15 places for this workshop - participation by donation. Please reserve your spot by emailing info@frontyardprojects.org ASAP
FB event page
(Photo Lisa Thatcher)
#futuringsound #futuringsustainability #frontyardprojects #marrickville #benbyrne #rasberrypi