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Nights at Tempe #10

  • Tempe Jets Sports Club 1 Holbeach Avenue Tempe, NSW, 2044 Australia (map)

Moving Paths
Linus Foley - piano, Max Alduca - double bass, Luke Keanan-Brown - drums

Mel Herbert - violin and Romy Caen - cake tin synth, feedback and harmonium, duo

Charlie Sundborn - sax, Chloe Kim- drums, Prue Fuller - voice, recorder and aluminium reindeer on mirror, Mel Eden - voice text and electronics, Jacques Emery - double bass

$15 and $10 concession

Over the past four years, the Sydney based Moving Paths have developed a distinctive ensemble soun that vokes the "chamber jazz" sound of ECM whilst exploring a more intricate sound world. Talking of intricate, Mel Herbert and Romy Caen's duo reveals some of the most delicate and and complex unmeasured use of frequency on the planet. Charlie Sunborn has put together a group of musicians that none of us can predict.
