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Harnessing Energies in the Arts and Humanities

  • Black Box Theatre UNSW Art and Design Crnr Greens Rd and Oxford St Paddington (map)

"Harnessing Energies" is two events: a symposium followed by a book launch and performance. The occasion is the publication of Energies in the Arts….

Symposium - 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Launch and performance - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Energies in the Arts, the new collection edited by Professor Douglas Kahn (UNSW Art & Design) and published by MIT Press, explores the pluralistic concepts of energies—scientific, cultural, spiritual, ecological – as they occur in the arts, history and theory.

The book will be launched by Joyce Hinterding (Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney), and celebrated with a symposium and performance.

Symposium presenters are: Dr Andrew Belletty, Dr Heather Contant, Dr Lindsay Kelley, and Dr Emily Morandini, as well as Associate Professor Jennifer Biddle and Dr Su Ballard, both of whom have contributed chapters to Energies in the Arts. The symposium is convened by Dr Heather Contant and moderated by Mitchell Ryan.

For a full symposium programme, including titles, abstracts and biographies, please visit

The performance by Peter Blamey entitled Rare Earth Orbits is a new work that explores rotation, magnets, interference, and the expressive potential of hand-generated electricity.

“This book investigates energies—in the plural, the energies embedded and embodied in everything under the sun— as they are expressed in the arts. With contributions from scholars and critics from the visual arts, art history, anthropology, music, literature, and the history of science, it offers the first multidisciplinary investigation of the concepts and material realities of energy coursing through the arts. Just as Douglas Kahn's earlier books helped introduce sound as a category for study in the arts, this new volume will be a foundational volume for future explorers in a largely uncharted domain." -- MIT Press

This event is sponsored by the Sound, Energies and Environments (SEE) Research Group and UNSW Art & Design.

A limited number of books will be available at a reduced price on a cash basis.

More information is available here:

Photo credit: Sounding the Future, UTS Gallery, 2017. Photo: David Lawrey, courtesy UTS Arts.

Later Event: September 14
Soft Centre | 2019