Buzz Sonnet. It is a song of love. It is a song of change. It is a song of loss.
Like a love lost, we are now in the stage of our relationship with lover earth where we, as a collective whole, are starting to grasp onto the final straws of what is left of our, once flourishing, relationship. Knowing that our honeymoon period with the environment is over, this exhibition is our collective love letter to the world that we know and cherish.
Much like worker bees, we as artists delve into themes of environmental appreciation, longing, prospective loss and wonder where it all went wrong.
This is a love letter. This is a rebel yell. This is a romantic take on an environmental revolution.
Liliana Occhiuto
Wendy Yu
Brianna McCarthy
Huy Ngyuen
Lia Molina
Xiaoran Shi